About Us

Heeding the call of Shri Narendra Modi, Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, for economically empowering women, in his first address to parliament, the Women Entrepreneurs Forum (WE Forum) was established in June 2014, as a platform dedicated to encouraging and empowering women aspiring for economic independence through self-employment and entrepreneurship.

Inaugurated by Smt. Sumitra Mahajan, Former Speaker of the Lok Sabha, at Indore, the WE Forum prides on its one decade of experience in enabling, training and supporting aspiring & willing women entrepreneurs to be successful in their endeavour for economic independence and business success. WE Forum connects Women Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Leaders, to its global network enabling an exchange of knowledge, best practices & experiences, while offering access to consumers, suppliers, business collaborators, partners, distributors as well as investors and mentors, from around the world.

Our Vision

To provide to every Indian woman, the ability, the knowledge and the ecosystem to be economically independent and socially empowered through Sustainable Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship, not only enabling all women to dream, but helping them make their dreams come true.

Our Mission

We are committed to support and enable development of a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem for Women in Business, especially those marginalised and give all of them a platform to share, learn, support and succeed.

We are committed to growing the support and resource network, and deliver cutting edge training for enabling a profound vision, streamlining tasks, taking action and being decisive, to make women successful in business.

We resolve to guide hard working women entrepreneurs, offering them the unique advantage of being able to shape their own identities and responsibilities while providing female role models, mentors and communities to support them.